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The easy way to build a professional Комментарии for any website, with no code.
No credit card required
Разрешите клиентам оставлять комментарии, оценки продуктов, отзывы и обзоры продуктов о ваших продуктах, чтобы стимулировать лояльность к бренду.
Используйте информацию из отзывов клиентов, комментариев, оценок и обзоров, чтобы улучшить поток и функциональность вашего магазина.
Включите звездные рейтинги, чтобы повысить доверие клиентов с помощью социальных доказательств. выберите, как отображать свои комментарии и отзывы в соответствии с вашим брендом!
Lisa Hardy
@ Good World GraphicsSupport
Global customers
Five star reviews
Collect and display reviews and star ratings for your products.
Let website visitors upvote individual comments, ratings or reviews for more meaningful feedback.
Продемонстрируйте социальное доказательство на своем веб-сайте, разрешив клиентам добавлять изображения в обзоры своих продуктов.
Разрешить людям оставлять комментарии, оставаясь анонимными.
Order your comments by newest first, oldest first, and popularity, or manually choose your comment order.
Quickly and easily remove any unwanted comments or ratings, and reviews, or approve a comment before it's added to your website with moderation featuers.
Pick custom comment colors and fonts, adjust the size, add borders, and more, so your comments app matches your brand.
Получайте по электронной почте уведомления о новых комментариях, оценках и обзорах, чтобы вы могли быстро отвечать на отзывы.
Approve new comments and reviews by email before they post publicly on your site.
Find us in the app market of your favorite site builder or grab the embed code and install directly on your site.
See all platformsLearn more about the POWR Comments app
Embedding a comments section to your website has never been easier! Just follow these seven easy steps for seamless comment form integration on your web page:
You'll find that POWR is the best comments plugin for WordPress as it provides easy optimization and seamless integration on any website. Furthermore, it provides display controls where you can order your comments by newest first, oldest first or popularity.
It also allows you to swiftly and efficiently remove undesirable comments or ratings and reviews, or even set them to be approved before they’re uploaded to your website.
Lastly, you can customize colors and fonts, adjust the size, and add borders, among many other customization options, so your comment form design matches your brand.
Comment systems, also referred to as commenting platforms, are third-party commenting software that integrates commenting options to websites like blogs and news sites where audiences get to post content. You can engage your audience by allowing a commenting function, increasing brand retention and shareability.
Most comment systems use a comment box where users can create their comments and place them on a particular piece of content.
Typical CMSs allow for the implementation of whichever comments system the site owner wishes to use, although some require specific plugins.
Comment systems can be utilized by content creators such as bloggers, artists, and journalists who wish to foster interaction with their audience and garner feedback.
They offer myriad features that allow web content to become avenues for user engagement and relevant live conversations. Comments are a great measuring stick by which content creators can measure the performance and reception of their work.
Commenting, especially blog commenting, plays an integral role in generating traffic. Substantial comments with positive feedback create backlinks to your site while improving your credibility within your industry. The more backlinks you get from comments, the more blogs, search engines, and content editors will take notice of your content as they offer targeted traffic back to your site.
If you want to be known, often referred to as "ranking authority," on the internet, implementing a comments plugin on your website is an essential first step.
More than 18 million POWR apps exist on websites worldwide. Get started with one-click signup. No contracts and no credit card required.
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