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Rss Feed
The easy way to build a professional Rss Feed for any website, with no code.
No credit card required
Indem sie ihre social-media-inhalte mit einem live-stream auf ihrer website von instagram, facebook, twitter, pinterest, youtube und mehr vor mehr menschen bringen.
By adding customer images to your website from Instagram or by following hashtags for convincing social proof that converts your visitors into customers.
Indem sie ihre beiträge auf ihrer website freigeben, damit besucher sie teilen und ihre markenreichweite erhöhen können.
Lisa Hardy
@ Good World GraphicsSupport
Global customers
Five star reviews
Mischen sie mehrere social media-quellen in einem kombinierten feed, damit sie alle ihre inhalte an einem ort anzeigen können.
Lassen sie ihre besucher ihre social-feed-beiträge teilen, indem sie social-sharing-schaltflächen hinzufügen.
Approve new posts before they’re added to your website feed, or automatically display any new posts immediately.
Sparen sie zeit mit dem zuschneiden von bildern mit einem klick. wählen sie aus keinem zuschnitt, hochformat, querformat oder quadrat.
Wählen sie ihren perfekten galeriestil, egal ob es sich um ein quadratisches raster, eine collage oder einen schieberegler handelt.
Holen sie sich mehr engagement, indem sie bildunterschriften und likes beim schweben mit der von ihnen gewählten hintergrundfarbe anzeigen.
Fügen sie beiträge von einem @ konto oder # hashtag hinzu.
Fügen sie beiträge von einer facebook-seite oder einer öffentlichen gruppe hinzu.
Add TikTok videos via URL for better engagement on your website.
Füge beiträge von einem pinterest board hinzu.
Fügen sie videos von einer kanal- oder wiedergabelisten-url hinzu.
Fügen sie videos mit einem vimeo-benutzernamen oder einer kanal-url hinzu.
Fügen sie bilder von einer flickr-url hinzu.
Fügen sie videos von einem dailymotion-benutzerkonto hinzu.
Fügen sie beiträge aus einem tumblr-blog hinzu.
Find us in the app market of your favorite site builder or grab the embed code and install directly on your site.
See all platformsRSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It pertains to files easily processed by a computer called XML files that instantly update information.
Such information is gathered by a user’s RSS feed reader, which converts the files and latest updates from websites into a format that is easier to read.
Today, RSS reader apps are a popular systematized medium used to publish constantly changing content such as news headlines, calendar events, video content, forum posts, and blog comments.
The primary benefit of RSS is that instead of visiting each website and checking if there is any new content, content is sent directly to you through one centralized location. The main method for using RSS feeds is through an application known as a reader or aggregator like Google Reader.
You can subscribe to RSS feeds instantly, at the click of a button, either within a reader or on the original website itself. The reader program informs you every time new content is published. Furthermore, subscriptions can be arranged into folders, and unsubscribing can easily be done with a button if a certain feed no longer interests you.
For RSS publishers, using an RSS feed allows for easier publishing, simpler writing processes, and improved relationships with their subscribers. Good RSS readers also provide links to publishers' websites and give subscribers the latest information from their sites.
With an RSS reader, you can scan through headlines easily and read an excerpt of each article to quickly decide which ones are worth reading and which are not. Additionally, some publishers will merge the full text of their articles so they can be read in their entirety right within your reader.
Something else to consider is how your business might benefit from creating an RSS feed of your own. It's a straightforward and efficient way to show your unique story to the rest of the world with a simple click of a button.
The first step is to install an RSS reader. After installing a reader, you’ll need to locate the link to an RSS feed. For this, you'll need to know the URL to the RSS feed on the website you wish to subscribe to. Most websites place an RSS link on their homepage, so look for it in the header at the top of the page or the bottom of the footer. It will seem like waves, similar to a Wi-Fi icon. Simply click on the feeder link and copy the URL. Suppose the RSS icon on the homepage of a website isn’t conspicuously displayed, and you find yourself having difficulty locating it. In that case, you can perform a web search for an insider RSS feed. After you perform the web search for the RSS reader, locate the page and copy the link.
Once you’ve copied the link, subscribe to the RSS feed. In the RSS reader program, you can find the button to include a new feed and insert the URL to the feed. Once you’ve added it, a list of articles should immediately be displayed. Ta-da! You can now browse for articles and select the one you wish to read!
Lastly, don’t forget to subscribe to more feeds. Feel free to continue adding RSS feeds to your RSS reader until you've aggregated all the websites you wish to monitor.
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