Product Hunt
The easy way to build professional Recurring Payment for any website, with no code.
No credit card required
Il 61% dei consumatori online negli stati uniti ha effettuato un acquisto in base ai consigli di un blog.
Il 93,5% degli utenti internet globali ha acquistato prodotti online.
Nell'ultimo anno, le aziende hanno perso 756 miliardi di dollari a causa della scarsa personalizzazione dell'e-commerce.
Lisa Hardy
@ Good World GraphicsSupport
Global customers
Five star reviews
Create an integrated online store, shopping cart, and checkout that you can embed anywhere on your website.
Add different products, descriptions, product images, product options and prices so your customers can select size, quantity and add custom instructions at checkout.
Easily accept one-time payments or subscription payments for digital products, memberships or services in 25 different currencies.
Puoi vendere prodotti fisici o caricare un file che il tuo cliente riceverà tramite e-mail come download digitale una volta completato il checkout.
Add custom tax and shipping costs that are calculated at checkout.
Redirect your customer to a new page after payment to increase conversions.
Easily hide products that are out of stock with a quick toggle that you can edit on the go.
L'ecommerce ha un design flessibile in modo da poter scegliere la dimensione dell'app, i colori, lo sfondo, i bordi, il testo, i caratteri e il design dei pulsanti.
Imposta notifiche email per i nuovi invii.
POWR eCommerce gives you access to a sales dashboard to easily keep track of what your customers purchase
Find us in the app market of your favorite site builder or grab the embed code and install directly on your site.
See all platformsMore than 18 million POWR apps exist on websites worldwide. Get started with one-click signup. No contracts and no credit card required.
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