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The easy way to build a professional Music Player for any website, with no code.
No credit card required
Embed a pay link to your original music and sell them as digital downloads.
Stream your favorites or original music from Soundcloud or MP3s from your computer.
In minutes have a fully responsive audio stream, for music, podcasts, or audiobooks, complete with links to iTunes, Google, or Amazon.
Lisa Hardy
@ Good World GraphicsSupport
Global customers
Five star reviews
Add as many songs as you like to your custom music player for your website. Upload from Soundcloud or MP3s from your computer.
Embed links to popular music sites iTunes, Google Play Store, and Amazon Music.
Add tons of great music and set your streaming playlist to play on an infinite loop.
Keep brand consistency by matching your brand’s colors, fonts, borders, sizes, and overall unique design.
Private and secure one-time payments
Accept monthly recurring payments
One-time or recurring donations
Find us in the app market of your favorite site builder or grab the embed code and install directly on your site.
See all platformsLearn more about the POWR Music Player App
You can add whatever you like! If it’s on Soundcloud or an MP3 on your computer, you can upload it directly to your music player for your website.
You can upload any audio files like a podcast or audiobook as well.
The primary difference is bandwidth. With a subscription upgrade, you have more downloadable space to allow for more audio files and longer clips.
You can also unlock advanced tracking capabilities and custom scripting and remove the POWR branding, among other features.
The truth is it might, but it might not. The holy grail of improving overall sales is multi-faceted and unique to each business based on several factors.
There are a few, though, that are common to any business seeking success:
If a music player can improve any or more than one of these, then that’s what you should do.
The time-consuming part is up to you. It depends on how many audio files you’d like to upload and how much customization you’d like to do. It is a best practice to put ample thought into what you want to communicate to your site visitors with your music player. It could be a nice addition to your overall marketing strategy.
POWR has more than 3,000 5-star reviews as a testament to how easy all our website apps are to create and install. The process is simple and intuitive.
The POWR Editor will lead you step by step until your music player is customized and completed to your specifications.
More than 18 million POWR apps exist on websites worldwide. Get started with one-click signup. No contracts and no credit card required.
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