The Best Alibaba Apps

Get 60 free apps for Alibaba to grow your business. Fully customizable and easy to install.

The best solution for every Alibaba website

Since 2014, POWR has been trusted over 12 million times by businesses to help them boost conversions, increase engagement, collect information, get more followers and support their customers. You can get started by selecting your Alibaba app from the list above. Customize your widget in the POWR Editor and when you’re ready to add it to your site, click ‘Add to Site’ in the top right corner and create your account. Select Alibaba and follow the simple install steps and have your app on your site within 5 minutes, no code required!

POWR has free support and accessible pricing plans for each stage of you business growth. You can get started with all widgets for free, no credit card required. To unlock advanced features for your chosen app, choose the Starter or Pro plan. POWR Business unlocks all features for all 60 plugins.