Why Does Website Design Mean So Much For Customers?

Why Does Website Design Mean So Much For Customers?

Published: | Updated: | By Frank Hamilton

Why Does Website Design Mean So Much For Customers?

The success and effectiveness of your business site depend on many factors, but one of them is especially important to your customers - website design. The way your site looks will influence the experience your customers get. This, in turn, will impact your conversion rates, session time, engagement, and many other metrics.

Your website design will influence how your target audience views your business. The more impressive your site looks, the more impact it will have on your visitors that are practically your potential customers. Investing time, effort, and money into your website is essential for your business to prosper. Here are some reasons why your website's design matters to your customers.

1. Branding

The main reason why the design of your website is so important is that it contributes to branding. It must set you apart from your competitors and show all of the unique features of your brand. These features can include anything from your logo and company name to your products and services. You always have to integrate the logo on your site to be consistent.

One of the main goals of branding is to make your target market be able to recognize your brand anywhere they see it. Be it from your organization's name or your logo, the potential customer must know that it's really you. You should also be consistent across all the channels you use in order not to cause confusion among your target audience.

2. Site Navigation

Another very important aspect of your website design is navigation. Your customers want to be able to easily understand what's what on your site and be able to access any kind of content they are looking for. It's especially important for when a website has many pages rather than having only several. You want to build a structure that can be used by anyone.

A website with good navigation will have an expandable menu that shows all the pages and a navigation bar for simpler browsing. Users will be able to explore your website if you develop your navigation well. Think of it as a city that has good infrastructure so tourists can easily get to any place they need. The simpler and more intuitive your navigation is the better.

3. Content and Visuals

A well-designed website will also have such things as content and visuals of the highest quality. You will need to keep in mind such aspects as:

  • Fonts & Typographic Details: Don't use too complicated fonts as they are hard to read and will baffle your site visitors. Customers will be able to remember a message that is concise and discernable.
  • Content: Translating your site content with the help of a translation agency like The Word Point will help you reach more audiences and provide your customers with a better experience. Don't overdo your content though as too much of it will seem messy.
  • Visuals: Videos, images, GIFs, and other visual elements should be included on your website to make it look more vibrant and engaging. Just make sure that you don't visually clutter your website as this may result in bad conversion rates.
  • 4. Organization and SEO

Most people start reading from the top left corner and moving to the right and downwards. This means that you have to organize your website in a way that the most important information is in that upper left area. This increases the chances of you getting your message through in time before readers click away or move on to something else.

Moreover, you also need to keep in mind search engine optimization or SEO when designing your website. Using the visible areas for different essential details will help you improve your SEO dramatically. Try to incorporate business-related keywords in the HTML text allowing search engines to crawl into your website and make your website rank higher in search results.

5. Engagement

Last but not least, you need to remember about the layout of your pages. A good layout will improve engagement, look more appealing to your site visitors, and encourage them to convert and become your customers. Your website will often be the place where the engagement begins for most of your potential customers.

Every website owner must always take into account various metrics when judging the performance of their site. If something is performing poorly, maybe your site is lacking something and needs to be improved. You need to measure every factor carefully to have the fullest, most accurate picture.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, dedicating time to build your website properly is crucial for you to get more traffic, engagement, conversions, and sales. As long as you make your website easy to navigate, optimized for search engines, and other features, you will be able to improve your metrics quite well and acquire many new customers.

Frank Hamilton is a blogger and translator from Manchester. He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German and English.