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Create a Sense of Urgency with POWr Countdown Timer

Published: | Updated: | By Emilie Murphy

What is Countdown Timer?

Countdown Timer is the easy way to drive more clicks to your ‘Buy Now’ or call-to-action button by creating a sense of urgency. Use it to countdown to the beginning or end of sales, special promotions, store launch or other events.

Why should I use Countdown Timer?

  • Boost conversions - Announce promotions with a countdown. Create a sense of urgency to boost sales by alerting the user that current deal is nearly over.
  • Show social proof - Drive more sales by displaying the number of users that have purchased item X.
  • Make it yours - Customize your countdown timer with your own colors, sizing, style and animations to make it fit perfectly with the design of your site.

How much does it cost?

You can get started for free! If you’d like more advanced features, you can upgrade to Premium for $4.99, Pro for $11.99 or Business for $49.99 (which upgrades all your POWr plugins). You can find full pricing information here.

What does it look like?

Check it out on a user’s site!

Pro Tip

Did you know you can have your Countdown Timer reset for each new visitor. This means every time somebody new visits your page they'll feel a sense of urgency by seeing that your promotion is only valid for X more minutes.
Try it now.