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The easy way to build a professional Afteltimer for any website, with no code.
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Door een gevoel van urgentie te creëren dat de verkoop afsluit met een aftelling naar een productrelease, verkoop of lanceringsevenement.
90% van de informatie die onze hersenen verwerken, is visueel, en een afteltimer is de gemakkelijke manier om visuele urgentie te gebruiken om actie te stimuleren, zodat bezoekers hun aankopen in de helft van de tijd voltooien.
Door de aandacht van bezoekers te trekken met een boeiende aftelling die afleiding vermindert en de angst creëert om iets te missen als ze uw site verlaten.
Lisa Hardy
@ Good World GraphicsSupport
Global customers
Five star reviews
Count down to a date to create urgency or count up from a number for great social proof.
Display different messages during your countdown and once it’s reached 0 so your visitors know that a sale or event is over.
Geef uw aftelling weer in een vaste banner boven of onder aan uw site, of sluit deze ergens op de pagina in.
Installeer snel en eenvoudig met sjablonen, ongeacht uw doel.
Kies uit verschillende toonbankanimatiestijlen om de aandacht van bezoekers te trekken.
Bepaal of u jaren, dagen, uren, minuten en seconden wilt weergeven.
Find us in the app market of your favorite site builder or grab the embed code and install directly on your site.
See all platformsLearn more about the POWR Countdown Timer
A countdown timer is a virtual device that counts down from a number or date to indicate the beginning or end of an event or offer.
It’s a great way to inform customers about existing promos and encourage them to purchase before a deadline.
A countdown timer can help boost a business’s sales and conversions by tapping into people’s emotions about getting the most out of events, offers, and deals.
Here are some ways that a countdown timer can help your business:
A countdown timer tells your customers about any ongoing events or promotions of your business. You can give a deadline—a final date and time—which will be displayed in a powerful and eye-catching display.
You can even customize it; aside from changing colors and fonts, you can also personalize it based on each user depending on their location, visitor number, etc.
People act fast when their sense of urgency is triggered, making them more likely to convert.
Countdown timers are one of the most effective ways to induce feelings of urgency, which is exaggerated even more thanks to their eye-catching animations.
Its effectiveness in informing about promos and its ability to trigger people’s emotions makes countdown timers great at pushing users to convert.
They make it seem like there’s a demand—that there are things that customers must buy today or else they’ll never have a chance to ever again.
It plays with people’s psychology and brings them closer to checkout.
You can use a countdown timer for various purposes and in various locations. Here are some examples:
You can use countdown timers to increase leads by giving people a deadline to give you their contact information in exchange for a good deal.
Add a countdown timer to remind people of a relevant deadline.
Use countdown timers to add a sense of urgency for people to join time-limited giveaways.
Promote your events by adding a countdown timer that leads up to the day.
Add a countdown timer at check-out so you can compare how long it takes people to process a transaction.
Putting a countdown timer on your website by yourself would take either extensive coding knowledge or hiring an expensive web developer.
But not with POWR! You can add a customized and well-functioning countdown timer on your website in 5 minutes.
You can design it how you want, then automatically add it to your site or share it with others from the editor.
You can create a custom countdown timer with POWR’s free countdown timer app. Customize it exactly the way you want, playing with colors, fonts, and styles–you don’t need to know any code to do it!
More than 18 million POWR apps exist on websites worldwide. Get started with one-click signup. No contracts and no credit card required.
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